Minestrone Soup

I'm making minestrone soup with kidney beans. I put the beans on to soak yesterday and they've been soaking ever since. I know it's terrible. I cooked them for an hour and now I'm going to cook them for another 45 minutes with the minestrone soup. I need to throw some of the freezer vegetables in there with them. Minestrone soup is so great cuz you can throw all sorts of shit in there and it works and is delicious. I just hope I season it right.

Just can get my butt in gear this morning. Didn't have the AC on last night so didn't sleep fantastic. Not poorly but not great either.

I'm up to 136.5 today. And I didn't run. It began to pour around dawn and off and on all morning. Now that I know that exercise has shit-all to do with weight loss, why kill myself? I'm feeling a little down; haven't heard from photography studio. I sent them a friendly thank-you email yesterday. I can't help but think I would have heard something back by now if they were interested. *sigh* Oh well. I didn't think I had much of a shot anyway. I'm full of anxiety over work.

Last night, I was reading The Day of the Locust by Nathanael West and I ended up throwing it in the recycle bin. I hated it! I don't know why it's a classic: maybe it's the ending but I didn't get to it. Nightmarish. I hate reads where everyone's a grifter or someone who is about to be taken by a grifter. I hate characters I can't relate to and I didn't relate to any of them. I can't believe that people were just completely different in 1939. Can't believe it. I hate worlds that are just full of misery and no joy. That's what it was like in that book Looking for Mr. Goodbar. That was a miserable book.

I need a world with a little happiness. I need a world with a little joy and stability. After I finish this, I'm going to do a little marketing and then I'll try to do a little maths. I only did a half hour last night and I spent the whole time on one problem. I really had no idea what the hell they were talking about in the Graphs chapter so I started from the beginning. I had to do the same thing with the functions chapter. I didn't know what they were talking about. Beat it! Beat it!

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