Saying Good-Bye

I suck at Goodbyes. Today is my last day at work and barely anyone knows. I like it like that. Most Goodbyes consist of this exchange:

Them: "Oh? You're leaving? How come?"
Me: "Well, I'm moving to XYZ."
Them: "Really? Why?"
Me: "A host of reasons really...blah blah blah...yeah..."
Them: "It's been great working with you: we'll be sorry to see you go."

Awkward hug.

Repeat ad nauseum.

I've moved three times in the last two and a half years: New York City to Sacramento, Sacramento to San Francisco, and San Francisco back to New York. Every time someone asked "why" I'd have to justify myself over and over. Why? Why? Why? Why would you want to move to Sacramento from New York? That's Crazy!? Sacramento to San Francisco is understandable. But back to New York?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm out for a pack of cigarettes. I'll be right back.

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Will you miss working at WKRP?