Leslie Stahl is a Closed-Minded Whore

This morning, on CBS Sunday morning, Leslie Stahl interviewed Susan Sarandon.

Leslie keeps referring to Tim Robbins as Susan's "husband" like she can't understand people living outside of wedlock. Can you imagine? Finally, she asks Susan, "What do you call him?" What century is this woman living in?!! Susan suggests "partner."

Then, at the end, Susan "teaches" Leslie how to do the Time Warp, from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. It's a dumb segment but at the end, Leslie says, "Not bad for two sixty-year old women!" Why did you have to bring it back to age, Leslie? No one else was thinking about how old you were or how empowering it is to do a dumb-fucking dance!! Fuck you, Leslie! Fuck you!!


Marcie said...

Sounds like you were up early watching Sunday news programs again. Is Susan Sarandon even 60 yet? Leslie should speak only for herself.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think Ms. Stahl is just doing her job...which is to play the voice of (whatever the network believes to be is) the "solid" middle class.

The networks have never been able to do a very good job of interviewing anyone who thinks outside of a very narrowly defined box, and the interviewers on most of these shows come across as prudish, easily scandalized people who don't know how to process anything that isn't already in the template.

The irony here is that most of the real people I've met are a good bit more nuanced in their thinking than the networks give them credit for, and most of the on-air tut-tutters could probably afford to lighten up and let their hair down a bit.

It would make the interviews more fun to watch.