
It's my sister's birthday today. I'm not on Facebook so I can't wish her Happy Birthday there. I sent her a card through my mother. I hope that she gets it today (probably). Who knows what they're up to today. I'm one of those jerks not on Facebook so I don't know what's going on in peoples lives.
Yesterday afternoon, I took Anna over to Joleen's house. Basically Via Buttigliera Alta but on the other side of town. They do that here: have a billion different names for the same damn street. Whatever. As long as google maps has it figured out.
She has a lovely house that is pretty big and well furnished. Turns out, like everything else in Italy, it belongs to her MIL but her MIL moved to another apartment to give them space. So Joleen had very little to do with the interior and its look. They have a sidewalk that goes all around the house so we did a couple laps following Anna. Anna had a great time with Enzo and Linda's toys and they were pretty good about sharing and not getting in her way. First, Anna just played in the yard which was all enclosed like all yards in Italy. She had a good time getting into everything and looking at the beautiful flowers.
Then, when Joleen's MIL showed up  with the kids, we all went into the kitchen and had nutella croissants. Joleen's kid speak Italian and Chinese so I couldn't speak much English with them like I can with everyone else's kids. So it goes. They're adorable, though. Joleen's English is pretty good so we had a good time. She showed me where thieves tried to break into their house by beating on the bricks with a hammer. Yikes! This country!! It's because Italians have so much cash laying around their houses. I guess it's worth it for the thieves.
She invited me to a puppet show today at the Oratorio. I'll probably go but Anna probably won't sit still. I learned my lesson during "Toddler Time" at the SF Park Branch library. *sigh*
This morning there was school and it was Lino's birthday. Giovanni took the day off in order so we could all go fireplace shopping across town.
I sent Lino a message telling him I wasn't going to be there but Helen called me anyway from class asking me if everything was okay.  I don't think that anything was resolved at the fireplace store but I got a better idea of what it's going to look like and not look like. I thought it was going to be flush with the wall, but it's not. Because we don't have a chimney like our other houses. *sigh* So we're going to have a big fireplace that protrudes into the room. Phooey. I said it's not going to work well with our enormous couch and Giovanni said we'd get rid of the couch and my heart broke into a million pieces because the couch isn't perfect but it's our couch and we had it specially made so Giovanni could lie down completely.
I just sent Giovanni an email saying we could put our enormous couch up on the second floor. I have no idea how the hell our house is going to shape up. It's not a money pit, but it costs money!!
Anna was okay last night but not great. She had some nasty coughing fits after I put her down to sleep that made her cry. They sounded horrible but she managed to sleep pretty okay for the rest of the night and we all got enough sleep. She doesn't have the nasty coughing fits during the day.
Not much else to report. Giovanni is going away for a week and is preparing himself for that. I made chili last night.

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