What is better than a rainstorm?

I love rain storms. When I lived in San Francisco, it was very rare to get any thunder and lightning. I missed the big, house-shaking storms of my youth in Illinois. Now I'm in New York and there's nothing better than being inside during one of these. I love when the temperature drops about ten or fifteen degrees and the wind picks up. Newspapers start blowing around. Grit gets in the eye. Then there are the first initial drops and a crack of thunder. If I'm lucky I get to watch this from a window. If not, it's time to run to the deli and beg for a couple plastic bags to wrap my purse in as I walk home from the subway train.

Sorry no joke. I really do love rain storms.


Anonymous said...

I grew up in central Illinois, and I remember those rainstorms well. It's semi-desert where I live now, and while it rains once in a while, we don't get thunerstorms here. In thirteen years, I've seen lightning maybe twice. There's nothing like that smell right before it rains. There are things about your home you never expected to miss.

Now, summers full of tornado watches/warnings - I don't miss those at all.

Matt Brand said...

your blog has gotten very contimplative and serious. I like it!

G. Genova said...

you're right mol, nothing much nicer than a rainstorm, especially in summer. growing up as i did in the sonoran desert with about 364 days of pure blue sky every year, you learn to appreciate the clouds, and water for the trees.

copyranter said...

I also love rain storms. I also have no joke.